When your gums fall in love
Why do dental professionals recommend the CS 5460? Two words. Gentle. And efficient. The ultra-fine, Curen® filaments are densely packed on the brush head to give exceptional cleaning power. And it looks beautiful.
Plaque’s toughest enemy is the gentleness of Curen®-bristles: CS toothbrushes really are incredibly gentle. The 5460 Curen®-filaments of the CS 5460 ultra soft form an uncommonly dense and efficient cleaning surface. While they are gentle on gums and teeth, Curen®-filaments are extremely hard on plaque. Anyone who tries a CS toothbrush will never want to do without this
brushing experience again.
Curaprox toothbrushes not only prevent brushing damage, but also break up and remove plaque perfectly. CUREN ®-filaments are stiffer than nylon and remain just as stable in the mouth as when they are dry. These properties make it possible to produce toothbrushes with a large number of ultrafine bristles.
- Gentle action thanks to Curen®-filaments
- Efficient cleaning surface thanks to a dense array of Curen®-filaments
- There’s no escape: compact head, slightly angled
- Octagonal handle helps users to brush at the correct angle
為什麼牙科專家推薦 CS 5460?兩個字。溫和的。高效。超細的 Curen® 細絲密集地包裹在刷頭上,提供卓越的清潔能力。而且看起來很漂亮。
Plaque 最大的敵人是 Curen® 刷毛的柔軟度:CS 牙刷真的非常柔軟。 CS 5460 ultra soft 的 5460 Curen® 細絲形成異常緻密和高效的清潔表面。雖然它們對牙齦和牙齒溫和,但 Curen® 細絲對牙菌斑非常堅硬。任何嘗試過 CS 牙刷的人都離不開它
Curaprox 牙刷不僅可以防止刷牙損壞,還可以完美分解和去除牙菌斑。 CUREN ® 絲比尼龍更硬,在口中保持與乾燥時一樣穩定。這些特性使生產具有大量超細刷毛的牙刷成為可能。
得益於 Curen® 燈絲,動作溫和
密集排列的 Curen® 細絲可實現高效清潔表面